
Can My Sister Register My Motorcycle

Clothing, Eyewear, Nature, Vision care, Smile, Glasses, Fun, People, Product, Mountainous landforms,

Located at the base of the Three Sisters peaks in the stunning Cascade Mountains, the village of Sisters, Oregon is a picturesque respite from a fast paced life. At that place are trout streams, hiking and biking trails, rafting and kayaking plus plentiful wildlife. Charming restaurants and shops abound.

Nearby, Bend nestles in the foothills of the Cascades, with the Deschutes River passing through it's middle. A similar roster of recreational opportunities is on hand.

Rivers, lakes, mountains, trails; an adventurer's paradise. This is the setting for a mini reunion. My higher roommate Colleen, her sis Kasey and I accept converged hither for some fun and exploration.

Kasey, her husband Chris and ii sons split their time between a hillside home in Portland and this idyllic, creekside spot in Central Oregon.

We hiked effectually pristine bodies of water and through melting snowfields. We dined in mannerly cafes and soaked in the hot tub.

For me, the mother of three sons, spending time with sisters and friends who are like sisters, is treasured time. Nosotros talk for hours, barely stopping for a breath, nearly our work, relationships, politics, travel, fitness and our kids.

Grand days of fresh air and exertion, followed past delectable food and fine wine shared with dear friends.

True luxury.

Click hither for more information about visiting central Oregon.

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Can My Sister Register My Motorcycle,


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